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Kunshan Lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd
Contacts:Mr Jiang
Add:No. 159, Kangzhuang Road, Zhoushi Town, Kunshan City

Industry News

Market prospect and application trend of connectors

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/7/27 16:05:17 Hits:475
According to relevant data analysis, driven by the economy of China, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America, the connector market will meet the next huge growth period. The editor of Kunshan lianteyi electronic connector manufacturing comes to talk with you about the market prospect and application trend of connectors.
Kunshan lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of electronic connectors, with the capabilities of product design, mold design and manufacturing, automatic equipment machine design and manufacturing, injection, stamping, electroplating and automatic equipment, and is committed to the R & D, design, manufacturing, sales and service of interconnected products!
Consumer Electronics Connector Market
The survey shows that the connector market continues to rise driven by the booming demand for consumer electronic products, such as game consoles, MP3 players, mobile phones, LCDTV, digital cameras, etc.
Medical electronic connector Market
According to the survey report of relevant research institutions, the annual growth rate of the global household medical equipment market will reach 6.8%, and medical electronics will become a new growth point of connector applications.
Computer connector Market
Global shipments of mobile computing devices, including tablets, netbooks, smartphones and laptops, will maintain a compound annual growth rate of 19.1%. The application of connectors in computers is about 5-12 sets, and the steady development of the computer market has promoted the continuous growth of connector demand.
For customers who need products related to electronic connector manufacturing, please contact us. Kunshan lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd. will provide you with better products and services!

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Kunshan Lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd
Kunshan Lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008, and in the same year established Kunshan manufacturing base, specializing in connectors and wiring harness research and development and manufacturing, for the national high-tech enterprises.......
Phone:13862660450(Mr Jiang)
Add:No. 159, Kangzhuang Road,
Zhoushi Town, Kunshan City

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