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Kunshan Lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd
Contacts:Mr Jiang
Add:No. 159, Kangzhuang Road, Zhoushi Town, Kunshan City

Common Problem

Function of electronic connector

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2022/7/27 15:52:21 Hits:485
Electronic connectors are used in electrical products. As the name suggests, they act as electronic numbers Or component connection, which belongs to a multi-element combined or assembled product, and covers the key technologies such as metal sheet, surface electroplating, precision machining and plastic molding As the transmission and connection of electronic number, if the electronic connector has problems, it will lead to the failure of electronic components and even the whole equipment The whole connector includes two main parts: terminal and plastic. In addition to the selection of materials for the terminal, the quality of products will be affected by the quality of electroplating and stamping die. Of course, the same is true for the plastic part
Kunshan Lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd
Kunshan Lianteyi Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008, and in the same year established Kunshan manufacturing base, specializing in connectors and wiring harness research and development and manufacturing, for the national high-tech enterprises.......
Phone:13862660450(Mr Jiang)
Add:No. 159, Kangzhuang Road,
Zhoushi Town, Kunshan City

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